Hospitality is NOT Entertaining
So much confusion and stress is wrapped up around the word hospitality. Here in the USA, you hear the word hospitality and you automatically think a series of words.
Big Meal
Clean House
The list could go on and on with words that would pop into my mind. Especially several years ago. I talk about hospitality to younger ladies and I see that glazed over look come across their faces. You can almost feel the fear rising in them.
Hospitality is not Entertaining
A relief that is to hear but now a look of confusion comes across the face. How do you do hospitality if you are not entertaining someone in your home?
Entertaining is always self-focused. The cleaning of the house, your appearance and even how well behaved your children are always actions focused on you. You are focusing on how well you are measuring up.
Hospitality is focused on the other one’s needs. Real hospitality is when you transfer your focus on others and welcome someone in. The person entering your home, if truly seeking connection, is not checking the dust bunnies in your corners, the dishes that might be stacked by the sink and the chocolate on your two years old’s face & shirt. People want to be known and cared for.
Hospitality is feeding the body & soul
“Food cannot take care of spiritual, psychological and emotional problems, but the feeling of being loved and cared for, the actual comfort of the beauty and flavour of food, the increase of blood sugar and physical well-being, help one to go on during the next hours better equipped to meet the problems ”
– Edith Schaeffer Hidden Art of Homemaking
I love this quote because it is so true. You have to start to meet the outward need of your guest before you dive into the deeper problems. Maybe you are not the one to solve the life’s problem. Maybe you are the one that equips them to have enough strength and encouragement to face their problems.
Hospitality is fearless and freeing
I tell you the truth that hospitality is fearless and freeing once you come to embrace the true meaning of hospitality.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Hospitality is not about the spotless home but focusing on the one that walks through the door” quote=”Hospitality is not about the spotless home but focusing on the one that walks through the door of your home.” theme=”style1″]
This is my personal meaning of hospitality based off of what I have learned through scripture, my mom and what I have seen work in our home.
Take away the fear of your kid’s toys being out on the floor or the dishes being stacked. Low and behold the clean clothes laying on the couch waiting to be folded. If you have the hear to welcome someone into your home with an open heart and nonjudgmental attitude, they don’t care about your messy world. Who knows they might just jump in and help you fold that laundry while sipping on a cup a tea.
You are so right! The focus should be on serving others – being the hands and feet of Jesus. It is through community that we get strength, not that “screw on your courage” strength, but the strength that comes from getting to see yourself through other’s eyes, learning from others who have trod the rough road, discovering your weaknesses and having the opportunity in a loving environment to work on them. That’s what community does for us that our current culture has stripped away from us.
Thanks Rachelle for the comment! Community is so important.