Welcoming Others Into Your Mess
So who out there struggles like me and thinks the house needs to be perfect and you have to have everything together before you invite a guest in your home? Go ahead, raise your hand. It is ok. I have had to really deal with the anxiety of things not being good enough or perfect enough. Putting this into perspective took a while in my mind and actions but when I finally released, a renewed peace of mind came over me.
Putting this into perspective took a while in my mind and actions. But when I finally released the expectations and tore down walls I had built up, welcoming others into my mess was so much better. Even freeing. I think that when you welcome others into your mess, you give them the freedom to be open and real with you.
Messes bind people together
When connecting with a younger mom or someone that is in a different stage of life, I have learned that sitting and folding laundry while chatting or loading the dishwasher is a great way to live life together. There have been so many times, that I have welcomed another lady into my home and we have some deep conversations while cleaning the playroom, folding laundry, or even painting a room.
Don’t apologize for being transparent
If I had someone to show up at the house unexpected, I would immediately start apologizing for the home. I would go on and on about how bad I feel that there is of laundry on the couch. I would try to explain the sink full of dishes from lunch or breakfast. All this does is make the person feel guilty that they showed up unexpected and caused you stress. Now, when I get a guest that shows up I welcome them into my world. I acknowledge that I am doing laundry and if we sit down in that room, I will continue folding it.
This will make your guest feel welcomed and above that, it will make them feel they are valued and worth investing in.
Organized Messes are not a negative
As I have said above, your laundry and dirty dishes are not something they will be turned off with. I bet they probably have a load of laundry that needs to fold at their house too. It is our responsibility to keep our homes clean from dirt and grime and stinky garbage. Take time each day to clean your house. Make sure the garbage is taken out & the dishes are in the sink and not still on the table.
People that are seeking real relationships will not be offended by the small messes. They will feel at home.
Thanks, Anna. I love you all !!!
Thanks for the comment! Hope you are doing great!