Seasonal Produce
Using seasonal produce to meal plan is one of the smartest ways to save money on your budget and feed your family in a very healthy way. Using fresh produce is much better than opening up a can that has been sitting on a shelf at a grocery store. Frozen vegetables are better but not as good as fresh.
Have you ever tried to buy peaches in the winter? I am a southern girl that grew up in Georgia. I love peaches. I love the fuzzy fur that is on the outside of a ripe peach that when you cut it, the smell of a fresh peach fills the room. The seed pulls right off the meat of the peach and the juices are running down your arm when you go to take a big bite. You can’t find these peaches in the winter, you might find a peach and you will pay double the price, but I can almost guarantee you that you will eat half of it and be disappointed.
When trying to use seasonal produce to meal plan it is always good to know what is in season. You are probably going to find corn all year long in your grocery’s fresh food section but the quality and price are going to be vastly different. Corn is in season here in the United States in the summer. You can get corn as cheap as 8 ears for $1 in the summer and it will be fresh, juicy, and bright colors. In the winter, you might be paying 2 for $1 and the corn kernels are usually harder and not as juicy.
Using seasonal produce to meal plan is one of the smartest ways to save money on your budget. As well as feed your family in a very healthy way. Using fresh produce is much better than opening up a can that has been sitting on a shelf at a grocery store. Frozen vegetables are better but not as good as fresh.
Have you ever tried to buy peaches in the winter? I am a southern girl that grew up in Georgia. I love peaches. I love the fuzzy fur that is on the outside of a ripe peach. When you cut it, the smell of a fresh peach fills the room. The seed pulls right off the meat of the peach and the juices are running down your arm when you go to take a big bite. You can’t find these peaches in the winter. You might find a peach but you will pay double the price, and I can almost guarantee you that you will eat half of it and be disappointed.
When trying to use seasonal produce to meal plan it is always good to know what is in season. You are probably going to find corn all year long in your grocery’s fresh food section. But the quality and price of the corn are going to be vastly different. Corn is in season here in the United States in the summer. You can get corn as cheap as 8 ears for $1 in the summer and it will be fresh, juicy, and bright colors. In the winter, you might be paying 2 for $1 and the corn kernels are usually harder and not as juicy.
When planning your menu for the week or better yet, the month, take a trip to the grocery store and see what is in season in your area. Learn your seasons. We live in Louisville KY and our seasons are a little different than someone that lives in Laguna Beach CA. The produce is a little different as well.
I have created a printable of a general list of produce. This list gives the season that it is available. Some produce might cross over seasons depending on the location you live in.
When using your seasonal produce printable, you will be able to meal plan quicker & healthier. It will even make it cheaper on your budget. Knowing what produce will be in season when making your list will help save you money and get you the freshest produce available.
Use this resource to make your home healthier as well as lighter on the wallet.
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