I love spring! I love how everything seems new, fresh, and exciting. I don’t like that everything turns green. Not the green grass, but the green dusting of pollen that sits on everything outside the house and even inside the house. When this starts to happen it sends me into cleaning the house from top to bottom. From having my cleaning company to years of running my home, here are the Best Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks that will help make your spring cleaning successful.
Walking into your home after a spring cleaning is such a wonderful feeling. The sparkle of the clean windows and the freshly fluffed pillows that have been aired out and cleaned make life feel great.
So here are some of mine…
Best Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks
Make a plan
Determine these 3 things:
- How much time do you have to clean at that time?
- What area is the most important area to start with and complete?
- What do you need to complete the task for the day?
You need to answer these questions before starting a spring cleaning. If you don’t then you will waste more time and not complete your cleaning. If you only have 2 hours to clean, then don’t consider spring cleaning the biggest room in the house with the most windows. Clean a small room.
With the amount of time you have to give for cleaning at that moment, choose the most important area to start with. Maybe it is the bathroom because it is where you have the most traffic, or maybe it is the counter area that holds all the mail and incoming junk that gets dropped as your family comes into the house.
What do you need? It doesn’t do you any good and it will delay your progress if you don’t have the right supplies. Observe the area you need to clean and gather your supplies all in one place to start.
Declutter First
Before you are able to get down to really cleaning, you need to get rid of all the junks or if you are attached, treasures. I love using a laundry basket when I am cleaning. I take it in the room I am Spring Cleaning and place it in the middle of the room.
Take anything that doesn’t belong in the room or is out of place and put it in the laundry basket. Once you have got the room uncluttered, take the basket and put it outside the room.
Once you have cleaned the room, take the laundry basket that you collected all the items, and go through the basket. Divide them into 3 piles
- Donate Pile
- Throw out pile
- Keep pile
When you have your three piles, act on them immediately. Take the donate pile and put them in a box or bag and take to your car to deliver to a charity. Your throw away pile, do just that, throw it away. When you are going through your keep pile, each item must have a place to live in your home that makes sense. Once you decide where it is going, go put it there.
Decluttering is the most important step to your Spring Cleaning.
Get a cleaning buddy
It is more fun to clean with someone than to do it alone plus it is double the man-hours. You will get a bigger bang for your time you have to designate to Spring Cleaning.
Maybe your buddy is your spouse or an older child, whoever it is, make it fun. Put on some fun music, have a snack and drinks, and get started. Make it fun but stay focused on the task before you. Put a time frame on the cleaning of each area. This will help you stay on task and get the job done.
Best Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks last Tip & Trick
Have the right supplies
You should have already answered the question of what supplies do you need to Spring Clean that area, but make sure you have what you need. Make sure your supplies are ones that will work.
It is important to choose your supplies correctly. I tend to lean on toward more natural cleaners but I will not hesitate to use bleach or stronger disinfectant.
Just as important as your cleaners, your tools are important too. I love using microfiber cloths for all my cleaning areas. I have to be clear that there is a big difference in microfiber. There are some really great products out there and then there are some that say it they are great microfiber cloths but are not good. You need to invest in the great. You will not be disappointed. I love Norwex. It is the best microfiber I have found on the market. I use it throughout my home. But it is very costly. So I have found another source to get a really good microfiber.
I use two different cloths from Microfiber Wholesale. The All-Purpose microfiber cloth and the Microfiber Window cloth. These two cloths will clean all of your surfaces except your floors.
You can see how I use the window cloth in a post I wrote a while back.
Other Tools
There are several other tools that I keep close when doing my spring cleaning.
OXO has a great set of deep cleaning brushes. I keep them in my pocket when cleaning. They get into little corners, in cracks, and around faucets amazingly.
Vacuum Cleaner This one is hard to do a recommendation. It is really all based on your budget. I personally am very partial to the Shark brand. I have owned several from Shark for my personal home use and been very pleased. My husband loves the Shark Rocket but I prefer the Shark Navigator. Both have great suction and easy on the budget.
Duster This is a wonder wand. I love my dusters. I have two. One that is short and one that is a long duster. I love them both. The duster is made out of microfiber and bendable. You can clean your fans quickly, the tops of your doors, your blinds. They cut your cleaning time in 1/2.
There are two things I want to address with cleaners.
- Let the cleaners work for you, not you working harder. Apply the cleaner to the surface and wait 3-5 minutes before starting to wipe the surface. This will allow the cleaners to soften the residue for easy clean.
The CDC advises leaving your disinfectant cleaner on the surface wet for 10 minutes before wiping off to ensure the surface is cleaned. This is the best practice.
My go-to cleaner is what we call in my cleaning company “Blue” cleaner. I love this mixture. It is simple. equal parts White Vinegar & Blue Dawn Dish detergent. Place in a spray bottle for use. I use this cleaner for soap scum, greasy residue and if you have horrible glass, it works great! You can use this on almost anything and get the surface sparkling. - If you are using commercial, prepackaged cleaners, follow the directions on the label. The makers of the cleaners have done all the research for you. You don’t need to worry about how to use the product. Follow the instructions. Also by following the instructions, you protect yourself and the surfaces you are cleaning.
These tips will help you get your home spring cleaned and looking amazing. If you make a plan, declutter, get some help, and fill your supplies with tools that work for you.
Enjoy cleaning! I hope this Best Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks has been enlightening. I love a clean home and it is so rewarding.