Every new mom needs a little help. Hospitality is important to every new mom, no matter what type of birth they have experienced. New Moms are tired and need some help with the first few weeks after bringing the baby home from the hospital.

7 Ways to Show Practical Hospitality to a New Mom.
- Providing meals or organizing people in their neighborhood to bring over meals,
- Doing some light housework like laundry or dishes.
- Running errands for them so that they don’t have to leave the house yet,
- Inviting her out on playdates with other parents in your community that are also welcoming their newborns into the world,
- Being there as someone who understands how she feels and is willing to listen without judging her experience (even if it’s not your own). Hospitality is a great way to show your support for the new mom in your life and let her know that she’s not alone.
- Taking care of her older children while she focuses on her new baby,
- Make a basket filled with all of the essentials a new mom will need in those first few weeks like lotion, snacks, and water.
Some people might feel like they don’t know what to do or say around a new mom, but just showing up with some food or offering to help out with something is a great place to start.
Words of encouragement for a new mom:
Sometimes simply providing words of encouragement can make all the difference for a new mom.
- “You’re doing an amazing job!
- The baby is so lucky to have you as their mom.”
- “It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, take it one day at a time.”
- “Your baby is perfect just the way they are!”
- “You’re going to be a great mom!”
- You are glowing and beautiful and you’re doing everything just right.”
- “You are so brave for going through all of this, I’m here to support you however I can!”
Just being there for a new mom, whether it’s to bring her a meal or take care of the older children, is a great way to show your support and make her feel more comfortable. Hospitality is an important part of any new mom’s life because it shows them that they are loved and cared for during this exciting time in their lives!
If you have any tips for showing practical hospitality to a new mom, feel free to leave them in the comments section below!
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