Did you know that we have a National Random Acts of Kindness Day? I had a Random Act of Kindness made my day. I had someone pay for my coffee one day without me know it or knowing them. So, can you imagine if we join together and Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day, we would have a lot of people walking around with smiles on their faces? Let’s do it! I have put together a list of 30 Random Acts of Kindness ideas for you. Let make a difference this year on February 17, 2021.
As you know, we all need a little bit of happiness right now. Especially happiness from places that we don’t expect. As you can read from the list below, there are very few out of the 30 Random Acts of Kindness ideas that require a lot of prep work. For instance, Give up a parking spot close to the store opening for someone else.
30 Random Acts of Kindness
- Bake cookies for a neighbor.
- Send a care package to a shut-in.
- Let someone go in front of you In the grocery line.
- Send a card in the mail to someone to just say hello
- Leave the mailman a Starbucks gift card for a hot beverage.
- Buy bakery cookies and deliver them to the fire station.
- Volunteer at a local pet shelter.
- Babysit for a youngmom.
- Leave an extra tip at a restaurant.
- Brag on your co-workers and be sure to tell them you appreciate them.
- Take your neighbor’s trash cans to the road for pickup on garbage day.
- Call your mom and dad to just talk.
- Plant a tree.
- Carry out someone’s groceries to their car that is needing assistance.
- Hold the door open for someone
- Give up a closer parking space to someone.
- Leave a positive note in a public restroom.
- Give someone homeless a blanket and a Mcdonald’s gift card.
- Leave a note on your children’s pillow to encourage them.
- Buy a friend lunch.
- Speak to a stranger and stop and listen to their response.
- Give Blood
- Tape a few one-dollar bills to your work vending machine.
- Take a basket of individually wrapped snacks to the local Hospital ICU waiting room.
- Pay for the person behind your coffee or meal.
- Make your spouse breakfast in bed.
- Send a care package to a college student
- Take coloring books and crayons to a children’s hospital.
- Buy a second meal in a drive-through and give it to a homeless person.
- Give a Foster Parent a homemade freezer meal to use.
Bonus! Be kind to yourself.
I have created a set of Random Acts of Kindness Cards for you to print and give to people on February 17 when you do an act of Kindness to them. You can download the cards by clicking the button at the end of this post.
As we all are so aware that Covid-19 is hindering us currently with many activities, so these 30 Random Acts of Kindness suggestions might need to be altered to fit into different guidelines. Maybe one day, we can get back to being able to bake a batch of cookies and take them to the fire station. But for now, a professional bakery or grocery store sweets will still make them smile and feel appreciated.
So you do you know which acts of kindness you are going to do for National Random Acts of Kindness Day? Don’t wait until the last day to plan it. If you are like me, you will let it pass.